Jolene Abbott
SVP, Head of Global Marketing & Ecomm
Q: What does 2021’s IWD slogan #ChooseToChallenge mean to you?
A: For me, I see this as challenging that inner voice that can deter you from going after your dream. That voice that can creep in (usually when you’re trying to sleep) and gives you doubt. Maybe it says you can’t accomplish something, that you’re not smart enough, experienced enough, etc. Choose to challenge that fear. Acknowledge it, but then work through it. Step by step.
Q: What women inspire you and why?
A: The list is endless! I’m inspired by women daily. I’ve recently been digging into my family history. I’m very lucky to have a considerable amount of my family story documented via memoirs and letters. I recently read a 96 page story about my great, great grandmother who came to the US from England. I read about her hardships, the chores she hated doing as a young girl, the joys they found as a family; then later, falling in love, and losing that love when her young husband died. It made me appreciate how much I have, and how my path was paved by the many strong women before me.
Q: What gets you up every morning?
A: My Australian Shepherd, Rue. She won’t let me sleep past 6:15 AM even if I wanted to!
Q: 3 words that describe you.
A: Curious. Determined. Effervescent.
Q: What’s your favorite thing to drink out of your Ember? Drinking temperature?
A: I’m pretty simple. My favorite thing is my morning pour over coffee. No cream or sugar, just set at 136°F and I’m good to go.

Choose to challenge that fear. Acknowledge it, but then work through it. Step by step.